Fabric Types

Previously I have mainly worked with silks and cottons so I wanted to make sure I looked at a wider range of fabrics for this project. I have purchased a range of materials in various colours with my palette or dyed them myself and decided the group them into their types to see exactly what I had to work with. The fabrics I currently have to work with are:

Acetate, cotton, denim, faux leather/suede, polyester holed fabrics, leathers/suede, neoprene/faux neoprene, transfolie, transparent silks/cotton organdie, silks/polyester, stretch fabrics, tulle and wool/velvet.

Acetate Cottons Denim Faux Leathers Holed fabrics Leathers Neoprene Plastics 1 Sheer Silks_poly Stretch Tulle velvet wool

The wide range of fabrics were chosen based on the market research I have conducted. I was hoping to be able to use some more technical fabrics however as of yet I haven't been able to obtain the ones I had wanted to use. I'm looking at how some others that I can get hold of might be able to fit into my project. For now though I have a good range to get started with using the smart textile applications and innovative ideas. From my sampling it is becoming clear that not all of the ideas work with each other but they do work in smaller groups. Because of this I have decided to create mini collections so, looking at the fabrics I currently have I put them together into 3 collections to represent how they will be used.

The final collection groups currently look as follows:

Collection 3

Collection 2

Colletion 1

One thing that did become apparent was that there is currently a lot of black fabrics which is something that needs addressing.

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