The Unseen

My contextual research has led me to come across a company called The Unseen. Their website states that:

"T H E U N S E E N is a material exploration house that blends science into materials; focused on seeing the unseen."

There is a range of projects to view on their website showing how they have successfully combined science with materials with my favourite being 'Air'. This particular project has resulted in a material that changes colour to the wind and so reacts to the environment around it.

It was showcased as an interactive performance during London Fashion week in Feb 2014 in the Dead house Underneath Somerset House. The material was prepared into a capsule couture collection that included an exclusive piece which was supported by SWAROVSKI GEMSTONES. They state that for Air "THEUNSEEN has developed a form of wind reactive ink that changes colour upon contact with the air around us. Intended to reveal the otherwise unseen turbulence surrounding the human as it goes about its environment." The colours are beautiful but I also find the construction interesting as it seems to resemble feathers. Their experimental approach and use of smart textiles in fashion is inspiring, most of it may be unattainable to myseld but it is good to see how they used it in an end product.

More of their work can be seen on their website:


And in case you haven't seen it yet their latest creation which was unveiled at London Fashion Week, Fire.

Fire_creative_concept_film from T H E U N S E E N on Vimeo.

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